Whistleblower Policy of The New Day Company, LLC


The New Day Company, LLC steadfastly upholds the highest standards of ethical, moral, and legal conduct in its business operations. This Whistleblower Policy is crafted to support our unwavering commitment, providing a structured avenue for employees to voice concerns while ensuring protection from retaliation or victimization for engaging in whistleblowing.


This policy is all-encompassing, applying to all employees, contractors, consultants, vendors, and other stakeholders engaged in any form of business relationship with The New Day Company, LLC.

Policy Statement

We urge all internal and external stakeholders to promptly report any suspicions of misconduct within The New Day Company, LLC. Misconduct may encompass a range of issues, including financial impropriety, legal noncompliance, unethical behavior, endangerment to health or safety, or any other kind of risk or fraud.


Procedures for Reporting


Policy Review

Regular assessments of this policy will be conducted to align with the evolving legal, ethical, and social responsibilities and to uphold our high standards of corporate conduct.

Dedication to Integrity and Transparency

The New Day Company, LLC is a bastion of integrity and responsibility. This Whistleblower Policy is one of the many steps we take to foster a culture of transparency and trust, where misconduct is not merely exposed but deterred. We encourage a workplace where ethical conduct is the norm and where there is no place for fear of reprisal when confronting wrongdoing.

Reflecting on Edward Snowden and the Importance of Whistleblowing

In light of historical events, such as those involving Edward Snowden, the importance of a robust and protective Whistleblower Policy becomes increasingly evident. Snowden’s revelations about government surveillance practices sparked global discussions about privacy, security, and the public’s right to know. Whether one views Edward Snowden as a hero or a traitor, his case underscores the critical need for policies that provide safe channels for the disclosure of misconduct. It is through such policies that organizations can maintain ethical practices and protect the interests of the public and their employees alike. The policy of The New Day Company, LLC is crafted with a clear understanding of these stakes, ensuring that whistleblowers have a voice and that ethical breaches do not go unaddressed.