Technology Use and Cybersecurity Policy

The New Day Company, LLC recognizes the significance of technology in achieving our business objectives and maintaining our competitive edge. This Technology Use and Cybersecurity Policy is established to ensure the responsible use of technology and the protection of our digital assets.

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and other stakeholders who have access to The New Day Company, LLC’s technological resources.

Policy Statement
The New Day Company, LLC commits to safeguarding its technological resources, data, and users from potential cyber threats and ensuring that all technology use is aligned with our business goals and legal requirements.

Responsible Use of Technology

Cybersecurity Protocols

Data Protection

Email and Communication

Internet Use

Social Media

Compliance and Disciplinary Action

Review and Amendments

Commitment to Cybersecurity
The New Day Company, LLC is committed to maintaining the highest standards of cybersecurity and expects all employees to contribute to a secure and efficient technological environment.

By adhering to this policy, The New Day Company, LLC ensures that its technological resources are used effectively, ethically, and safely, thereby protecting the company’s assets and information from potential cyber threats.