Social Media Policy

The New Day Company, LLC recognizes the importance of social media and its impact on professional and personal lives. This Social Media Policy provides guidance for employees on the responsible use of social media, ensuring that their online presence aligns with the company’s values and professional standards.

This policy applies to all employees of The New Day Company, LLC, as well as contractors and consultants representing the company on social media platforms.

Policy Statement
The New Day Company, LLC respects the right of employees to use social media for personal expression. However, employees must be aware that their online activity can reflect on the company’s image and reputation. Therefore, we expect all social media activities connected directly or indirectly to the company to be conducted in a respectful and professional manner.

Guidelines for Social Media Use

Best Practices

Disciplinary Action
Non-compliance with this policy can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Training and Awareness

Review and Amendments
This policy will be reviewed periodically and may be amended in response to changes in social media platforms, company needs, or legal requirements.

Commitment to Positive Engagement
The New Day Company, LLC is committed to fostering a culture of positive social media engagement. By following this policy, employees can help ensure that their online activities contribute to a respectful and reputable online community, reflecting well on themselves and the company.