Highways and Byways: A Trucker’s Treasure Trove

Buckets and Gators: The Roadside Collection

Hello, fellow road warriors and curious readers! I’m a seasoned truck driver with over 30 years of experience under my belt, cruising the vast and vibrant roads of the United States. Today, I’m here to take you on a journey through the lanes of the most peculiar and frequent finds on our highways, seen from the high perch of my trusty rig for The New Day Company, LLC.

1. The Ubiquitous Pails: More Than Just 5-Gallon Wonders

First up on our list, believe it or not, are 5-gallon buckets. These pails are the unsung heroes of the roadside, appearing in every hue imaginable. They might just seem like simple containers, but their presence is a common sight, dotting the landscape like colorful waypoints on my cross-country treks.

2. Gators on the Loose: Tread with Caution

Now, let’s crack the riddle of the road. What’s long, black, and sunbathes in the middle of the asphalt jungle? You guessed it – gators! But fear not, we’re not talking about the reptilian kind. In trucker talk, a ‘gator’ is a strip of blown-out tire, lying in wait like its namesake, ready to startle the unsuspecting traveler. These rubber remnants top our chart for their sheer ubiquity and the caution they demand from drivers.

3. The Silent Witnesses: Nature’s Unfortunate Travelers

Third in line are the silent witnesses to the speed of human progress – the unfortunate animals like deer, skunks, armadillos, and even domestic creatures like dogs and cats, whose journeys have met a sudden end. These incidents serve as a somber reminder of the delicate balance between nature and machine.

4. Lost and Found: Coolers and Their Tops

Summertime driving brings a peculiar phenomenon – the mysterious appearance of cooler tops and sometimes entire coolers. Abandoned by roadside picnic-goers or lost in the flurry of a family vacation, these containers often find a new life under the open sky, becoming part of the roadside lore.

In summer’s peak, don’t be surprised to spot boat seats, too, as if they’ve jumped ship to join the roadside rendezvous.

The Road Less Littered: A Trucker’s Plea

As we uncover these common sights from the cab of a semi, it paints a bittersweet picture of our travels. These items, from buckets to boat seats, weave a story of everyday journeys and forgotten moments.

In the spirit of trucking camaraderie and highway harmony, let’s aim to keep these finds as mere observations and not contribute to the collection. By securing our loads and respecting our shared paths, we can ensure the road ahead is clear for adventures yet to come.

So, the next time you buckle up for a journey, remember the tales of the roadside as seen through the eyes of a trucker. Keep your cargo tight, your eyes on the road, and maybe spare a thought for the stories unfolding on the shoulder of the highway.