Fuel Management Policy


The New Day Company, LLC has established this Fuel Management Policy to promote the efficient use of fuel and to implement measures for controlling fuel costs across all company operations. This policy aims to minimize the environmental impact of our operations and to ensure the economical use of resources.


This policy applies to all company drivers, fleet management personnel, and any employees responsible for operating company vehicles.

Policy Statement

The New Day Company, LLC is committed to responsible fuel management, optimizing fuel consumption, and reducing fuel-related expenses while maintaining effective fleet operations.

Fuel Efficiency Practices

  1. Vehicle Maintenance:
    • Ensure regular maintenance of vehicles to keep them running efficiently.
    • Schedule routine check-ups for tire pressure, oil changes, and engine performance.
  2. Driver Training:
    • Provide training for drivers on eco-driving techniques to reduce fuel consumption.
    • Encourage smooth acceleration, proper gear usage, and adherence to speed limits.
  3. Fuel Purchasing:
    • Utilize fuel cards for purchasing fuel to monitor and control fuel expenses.
    • Negotiate with fuel suppliers for bulk purchase discounts where applicable.
  4. Route Optimization:
    • Use GPS and route planning tools to find the most fuel-efficient routes.
    • Avoid congested areas and idling to reduce fuel waste.
  5. Monitoring Fuel Usage:
    • Implement telematics to track fuel consumption patterns.
    • Set fuel usage benchmarks and monitor deviations.
  6. Vehicle Selection:
    • Prioritize the use of fuel-efficient vehicles when renewing the fleet.
    • Consider alternative fuel vehicles where appropriate.
  7. Idling Reduction:
    • Enforce a strict no-idling policy whenever possible.
    • Educate drivers on the impact of idling on fuel consumption and vehicle wear.




Review and Update

The New Day Company, LLC recognizes that effective fuel management is essential for cost control and environmental stewardship. We are committed to ongoing evaluation and improvement of our fuel management practices. All employees are expected to cooperate in the implementation of this policy and to contribute to the company’s efforts to use fuel responsibly.