
The New Day Company, LLC is committed to conducting its operations in an environmentally responsible manner. This policy outlines the measures and practices we implement to minimize our environmental impact, ensure compliance with environmental regulations, and promote sustainability in all aspects of our business.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and operations of The New Day Company, LLC, across all locations and functions.

Policy Statement

The New Day Company, LLC recognizes the importance of protecting the environment and commits to:

  1. Emissions Reduction:
    • Regular maintenance of vehicles to ensure efficient fuel use and reduced emissions.
    • Investing in newer, more environmentally friendly vehicles with lower emissions.
    • Training drivers in eco-driving techniques to minimize fuel consumption.
  2. Energy Efficiency:
    • Implementing energy-saving measures in all facilities.
    • Utilizing energy-efficient technologies and practices.
  3. Waste Management:
    • Promoting recycling and responsible waste disposal practices.
    • Reducing the use of hazardous materials and ensuring their proper disposal.
    • Implementing a return-to-base policy for all packaging materials to encourage reuse and recycling.
  4. Sustainable Resources:
    • Using environmentally friendly materials and supplies where possible.
    • Working with suppliers who demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability.
  5. Water Conservation:
    • Reducing water usage through efficient practices and technologies.
    • Ensuring that any water discharge complies with environmental regulations.
  6. Environmental Compliance:
    • Complying with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
    • Regularly reviewing and updating our practices to align with new environmental standards and best practices.
  7. Continuous Improvement:
    • Setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets.
    • Conducting regular environmental audits and assessments.
    • Engaging employees in environmental best practices through training and awareness programs.
  8. Community and Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Participating in community initiatives aimed at environmental protection and sustainability.
    • Maintaining open communication with stakeholders regarding our environmental performance and initiatives.


Monitoring and Reporting

Environmental performance will be monitored regularly, and findings will be reported to management. The New Day Company, LLC will also communicate its environmental performance to stakeholders through annual reports and updates.

Review and Continuous Improvement

This policy will be reviewed annually to reflect new scientific knowledge, environmental laws, and industry best practices. We are committed to continual improvement in our environmental performance.