Disciplinary Action Policy


The New Day Company, LLC aims to maintain a work environment that promotes safety, health, and adherence to company policies and procedures. This policy provides a framework for addressing violations in a fair, consistent, and legally compliant manner.


This policy applies to all employees of The New Day Company, LLC, including drivers, administrative staff, and management, regardless of position or tenure.

Policy Statement

The New Day Company, LLC expects all employees to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with company policies, safety standards, and regulatory requirements. When an employee violates a company policy, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken to address the behavior and prevent recurrence.

Disciplinary Process

  1. Violation Identification:
    • Any violation of company policies or safety standards is subject to review and action.
  2. Investigation:
    • A fair and thorough investigation will be conducted to determine the facts surrounding any alleged policy violation.
  3. Documentation:
    • All findings from the investigation, including statements and evidence, will be documented.
  4. Progressive Discipline:
    • Disciplinary actions will typically follow a progressive approach, starting with verbal warnings and escalating to written warnings, suspension, and possible termination.
  5. Immediate Action:
    • In cases of serious violations, immediate action up to and including termination may be warranted without proceeding through the usual steps of progressive discipline.
  6. Review and Decision:
    • Supervisors and Human Resources will review the investigation findings to determine appropriate disciplinary action.
    • Decisions will be communicated to the employee in writing.

Types of Violations and Disciplinary Actions

  1. Minor Violations:
    • May result in verbal or written warnings.
    • Examples include tardiness, minor breaches of safety, or non-compliance with company procedures.
  2. Moderate Violations:
    • May result in written warnings, suspension, or mandatory retraining.
    • Examples include repeated minor violations, moderate safety infractions, or unauthorized absence.
  3. Major Violations:
    • May result in suspension or immediate termination.
    • Examples include violations of law, substance abuse, endangerment of health and safety, or gross misconduct.
  4. Grievance and Appeals:
    • Employees have the right to present a grievance regarding disciplinary actions taken against them and request a review of the decision.


Training and Communication

Review and Amendments

The New Day Company, LLC is dedicated to creating and maintaining a working environment that respects individual rights and promotes the interests of the company. This policy is designed to ensure that disciplinary matters are handled in a manner that is transparent, consistent, and fair to all involved.