Conflict of Interest Policy

The purpose of this Conflict of Interest Policy is to ensure that all employees and representatives of The New Day Company, LLC conduct company business with integrity, impartiality, and honesty. This policy is designed to maintain the highest level of trust and confidence in our operations.

This policy applies to all employees, officers, directors, and agents of The New Day Company, LLC, including full-time, part-time, and temporary staff, as well as contractors and consultants acting on behalf of the company.

Policy Statement
The New Day Company, LLC requires all individuals covered by this policy to avoid any conflict of interest, or the appearance of a conflict, between their personal interests and the interests of the company.

Identification of Conflicts

Management of Conflicts

Reporting and Compliance

Training and Awareness

Disciplinary Actions

Review and Amendments

Commitment to Ethical Practices
The New Day Company, LLC is committed to ensuring that all business decisions are made free from any conflict of interest. This policy is a testament to our commitment to ethical business practices and transparency.

By adhering to this policy, employees of The New Day Company, LLC demonstrate their dedication to the company’s values and uphold the trust placed in us by our customers, partners, and stakeholders.