Accident Reporting and Investigation Policy


The purpose of this policy is to establish a systematic procedure for reporting, documenting, and investigating vehicle accidents involving The New Day Company, LLC. This policy aims to ensure that all accidents are reported immediately, that thorough investigations are conducted to determine their causes, and that appropriate measures are taken to improve safety and prevent future incidents.


This policy applies to all employees of The New Day Company, LLC who operate company vehicles or equipment, as well as to any contractors or temporary personnel who may do so as part of their work with the company.

Policy Statement

The New Day Company, LLC is committed to maintaining the highest standards of vehicle safety and to fostering a culture of prompt reporting and analysis of all vehicle accidents.


Reporting an Accident:

  1. Immediate Action:
    • In the event of an accident, the driver must first ensure their own safety and the safety of any passengers or other parties involved.
    • If there are injuries, the driver must call emergency services immediately.
    • The driver must then secure the scene to prevent further accidents if it is safe to do so.
  2. Notification:
    • The driver is required to notify their supervisor and the company’s safety officer as soon as possible, regardless of the severity of the accident.
    • A preliminary accident report must be completed by the driver within 24 hours of the incident.


  1. Accident Report Form:
    • The driver must fill out an accident report form providing details such as the date, time, and location of the accident, a description of the incident, the names and contact information of any witnesses, and any other relevant information.
  2. Evidence Collection:
    • Photographs of the accident scene, vehicle damage, and any environmental conditions contributing to the accident should be taken.
    • Any relevant dash-cam footage should be secured.


  1. Initial Review:
    • The safety officer will conduct an initial review of the accident using the driver’s report, vehicle condition reports, and any other available information.
  2. Formal Investigation:
    • If necessary, a formal investigation team will be assembled, including the safety officer, a member of management, and any required external experts.
    • The investigation will include interviews with the driver, witnesses, and anyone else involved in the accident.


  1. Analysis:
    • The investigation team will analyze the collected information to determine the root causes of the accident.
  2. Recommendations:
    • Based on the investigation findings, the team will make recommendations for action to prevent similar accidents in the future.
  3. Implementation:
    • The management team is responsible for reviewing recommendations and implementing appropriate measures.
  4. Record Keeping:
    • All documentation related to the accident and the investigation will be kept on record for a period defined by the company’s legal requirements and internal policies.


All drivers and relevant staff will receive training on this policy and the procedures for accident reporting and investigation.


Review and Amendments

This policy will be reviewed annually or after a significant accident to ensure that it remains effective and reflects best practices in accident management and investigation.